A field visit by a team of the Syrian Cross-Border Humanitarian Fund (SCHF) to evaluate agricultural project No. /26822/

دعم الزراعة

Today, a team from the Syrian Cross-Border Humanitarian Fund (SCHF) conducted a field visit to assess Agricultural Project No. 26822 in the Maarat Tamasrin sub-district of northwestern Syria. This project, overseen by the Establishment for Human Care and Development – MASRRAT, aims to aid 400 vegetable farmers across four villages in the Maarat Tamasrin sub-district by providing agricultural inputs. These inputs include equipment for constructing low plastic tunnels, vegetable seeds, N.P.K fertilizer, pesticides, fungicide, and fuel for pumps used in irrigation networks. Additionally, the project includes the rehabilitation of the local market square in Maarat Tamasrin town, complete with interlock furnishing, as well as the restoration of 9.9 km of agricultural roads treated with liquid asphalt (MC0). 

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