Our Vision
Our Vision

A leading humanitarian and developmental...

Our Vision

A leading humanitarian and developmental...

A leading humanitarian and developmental organization that seeks to achieve effective impacts in the community to become a developed renaissance...

Our Mission
Our Mission

MASRRAT worked to provide solutions for crisis...

Our Mission

MASRRAT worked to provide solutions for crisis...

MASRRAT worked to provide solutions for crisis management in stricken communities by using professional methods and providing our services to the...

Our Objectives
Our Objectives

– Preserving human values in the community...

Our Objectives

– Preserving human values in the community...

– Preserving human values in the community and contributing to improving them.

– Raising the intellectual, scientific, and living standards...

Our Values
Our Values

Responsibility, innovation, participation,...

Our Values

Responsibility, innovation, participation,...

Responsibility, innovation, participation, creativity, integrity, equality.


beneficiaries from all the sectors


cities where the projects were implemented


implemented projects in different sectors


Dollars are the total of the implemented projects


The Establishment for Human Care and Development

ترخيص مؤسسة مسرات لمزاولة العمل في الجمهورية العربية السورية

Masarat Foundation License to Practice Business in the Syrian Arab Republic

Today we step confidently into a brighter future! The Establishment...

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ضمن مشروع إعادة تفعيل القدرات المحلية في مجال زراعة و إكثار بذار البطاطا

Reactivating Local Capacities in Potato Farming and Seed Multiplication

The agricultural technical team at the Establishment for Human Care...

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Reactivating Local Capacities in Potato Farming and Seed Multiplication, potato seeds

As part of the project "Reactivating Local Capacities in Potato...

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Our Partners

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The Establishment for Human Care and Development - MASRRAT
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